Channel: Red Gate forums: SQL Backup 7
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RE: Error 880: BACKUP DATABASE permission denied in database

Hi Eddi,

thanks for your reply.

The incorrect user is being displayed in the GUI and in the error message.

Now things go strange... I changed nothing, but suddenly the scheduled jobs are running under the SQLAgent account.
Nonetheless the jobs schould run under the correct domain user.

- The jobs are owned by "sa".
- The SQLBackup Service is running under the domain account DOMAIN\SQL-Mgnt-Service

Please take a look at the screenshots http://1drv.ms/1nJ7E02

Thank you!

Need to restore Multiple Databases on the same SQL Instance

For Disaster Recovery purposes I have a directory of full backup files that need to be restored to a single sql instance. Is there any way to either script or use the gui to say restore each of the backup files in this directory?

RE: Restore fails with Error 507: No valid backup sets found

Thanks for your post.

When backing up at a network share, you need to ensure that the SQL Backup Agent service startup account has rights to access that network share.

You can check if SQL Backup agent account has read/write/delete rights by running the following:

EXEC master..sqbutility 999, 'RWE', '\server_path\backup_path\App_name*.bak'

Can SQL Backup restore .bak files or do they have to be .sqb files?
Files needs to be *.sqb format to be restored.

Let me know if this helps.

RE: Need to restore Multiple Databases on the same SQL Instance

Hi Pam,

Unfortunately there is not currently a way to restore multiple databases using the GUI.
There is a existing feature request you may want to vote for.
These forums are actively monitored by our development team and allow our users to request features and vote on them.
If a feature receives a significant amount of votes or is deemed to have merit development may include the feature in a future release.

You can write a dynamic SQL script to restore multiple databases.
See the following thread for some examples.


RE: Error 880: BACKUP DATABASE permission denied in database

Thank you for your reply.

The user name you see displayed in the User name field in the activity history is the task owner.

For scheduled backup and restore tasks, this is either the owner of the scheduled job or the account given to the SQL Agent.

For backup and restore tasks created through the GUI using either the backup or restore wizard, will show as the logged in user of the GUI.

Many Thanks

RE: Restore fails with Error 507: No valid backup sets found

I think my issue was in regard to dsik space on the backup drive.
I also created a SQL Backup 7 backup (.sqb), so never confirmed if .bak files can be restored. Hopefully this help someone else.

Version compatibility

Can a Redgate backup taken with version 7.x be restored with a server running Redgate version 6.4?

RE: Version compatibility

Backups created with SQL Backup 7.0 and 7.6 can be restored using 6.4. The intervening versions (7.1 to 7.5) should be restore-able too. Note that this is dependent on the underlying SQL Server version. If the 7.x backup was made on a SQL 2012 instance, you still won't be able to restore it using SQL Backup 6.4 on any pre-SQL Server 2012 instance.

RE: In log shipping,do you needto license thedestination server?

RE: Error 880: BACKUP DATABASE permission denied in database

Hi Eddie,

thanks for the clarification.

kind regards

Backup Error 605: No files could be created.

Hello -

Working with a 14 day evaluation edition of SQL Backup 7.6. Was able to backup my database fine locally, but I am getting the following error when attempting to backup to a mapped drive (which is out on my SAN and a more realistic place for me to gauge speed against). Also - The path "H:\Backups" does exist - it is my home directory and I have full control over it. The folder "Backups" also exists so I am a bit thrown by what the error below is trying to say by "Failed to create output folder". I specify it in the dialog box as I am building the backup sequence (not via T-SQL but the GUI).

Any thoughts on if this is a restriction of the eval version or if something else is amiss here, would be most helpful. Again - I have full control to the H drive, can created edit and delete anything I put out there.

Thank you and here is the error from the dialog in SQL Backup upon failure...

"MYSERVER": Backup - Failed

Performing full backups - Failed

This operation failed with errors.

Backing up MYSERVER (full database) to:
Warning 200:
4/7/2014 10:46:57 AM: Warning 480: Failed to create output folder: H:\Backups\.
4/7/2014 10:47:27 AM: Warning 480: Failed to create output folder: H:\Backups\.
4/7/2014 10:47:57 AM: Warning 480: Failed to create output folder: H:\Backups\.
4/7/2014 10:48:27 AM: Warning 480: Failed to create output folder: H:\Backups\.
4/7/2014 10:48:57 AM: Warning 480: Failed to create output folder: H:\Backups\.
4/7/2014 10:49:27 AM: Warning 480: Failed to create output folder: H:\Backups\.
4/7/2014 10:49:57 AM: Warning 480: Failed to create output folder: H:\Backups\.
4/7/2014 10:50:27 AM: Warning 480: Failed to create output folder: H:\Backups\.
4/7/2014 10:50:57 AM: Warning 480: Failed to create output folder: H:\Backups\.
4/7/2014 10:51:27 AM: Warning 480: Failed to create output folder: H:\Backups\.
4/7/2014 10:51:57 AM: Warning 480: Failed to create output folder: H:\Backups\.
Warning 480: Failed to create output folder: H:\Backups\.
Warning 605:
Error 605: Error creating backup file(s). No files could be created.
SQL Backup exit code: 605

Updating SQL Server information - Successful

This operation completed successfully.

RE: Backup Error 605: No files could be created.

Nevermind - looks like a UNC is what is needed to get this to work. Question though - I thought you guys addressed being able to back up to mapped drives in a earlier release? Is that not the case? Do you really have to specify a UNC to anything other than the C:DRIVE of a system that has SQL Backup installed?

SQL Server 2014 support?


we need to setup a new server with Windows Server 2012 R2 and SQL Server 2014 in the next days. Since we are already using SQL Backup Pro with an old server using SQL Server 2000, we want to use it for the new server, too Smile

On your requirements page http://documentation.red-gate.com/display/SBU7/Requirements neither Windows Server 2012 R2 nor SQL Server 2014 are listed.

We can't wait much longer to deploy the new server and also can't (and don't want to) buy a SQL Server 2012 license. How far is your SQL Backup Pro-support for SQL Server 2014 running on Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit?

RE: Backup Error 605: No files could be created.


Thank you for your forum post.

As you have discovered SQL Backup does not support mapped drives and never will do. I believe it is a Windows limitation, when an account logs in as a service it behaves differently from when the account is used to log in as normal Windows user. One of the limitations is the support of mapped drives.

SQL Backup will support the path to a physically connected disk or UNC path to a network share.

Many Thanks

RE: SQL Server 2014 support?

Hi goChris,

I can confirm that SQL Backup v7.6 supports Windows Server 2012 R2, and have updated the requirements page appropriately. We're currently testing SQL Server 2014 RTM, and will update the requirements page when this is complete.



RE: Need to restore Multiple Databases on the same SQL Instance

I am having some issues with the syntax. Can you point out where I am going wrong?

I am getting the following error Syntax error: 'fjfelej!'' after '\\kprod-nas03\sqlbackups\FULL_DB009_superbill_2039_prod_20140321_112322_encr.sqb WITH PASSWORD='

Create Table #backupFiles(ID Int Identity(1,1),FileName Varchar(128), depth int, isfile int, databasename varchar(64))
Insert into #backupfiles(FileName, depth, isfile)
EXEC master.sys.xp_dirtree '\\kprod-nas03\ServerUpdates\SQLRestore\',0,1;

Update #backupfiles
set databasename=
substring(FileName,12,len(filename)-charindex('2014',filename)-case when len(filename)=55 then 4 else 3 end)

Create TAble #Restore(ID Int Identity(1,1),FileName Varchar(128), DatabaseName varchar(64))

Insert into #Restore(FileName, DatabaseName)
select FileName,Databasename
from #backupfiles
where filename like '%superbill%'

Declare @DbCount int
Declare @Counter Int
DECLARE @exitcode int
DECLARE @sqlerrorcode int
DECLARE @sitename nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(1024)
Declare @DatabaseName varchar(64)

Set @DBCount=(Select Max(ID) from #Restore)
SET @counter=(Select Min(ID) From #Restore)

While @Counter<=@DBCount

SET @sitename = (Select FileName from #Restore where ID =@Counter)
Set @DatabaseName= (Select DatabaseName from #Restore where ID =@Counter)

SET @sql = '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE ' + @databasename + ' FROM DISK = ''\\kprod-nas03\sqlbackups\' + @sitename + ' WITH PASSWORD=''fjfelejl'' SOURCE = ''' + @DatabaseName + '''
MAILTO = ''pam.ozer@kareo.com'', RECOVERY,

EXEC master..sqlbackup @sql, @exitcode OUT, @sqlerrorcode OUT

Set @Counter=@Counter+1
drop table #backupFiles, #Restore

RE: Need to restore Multiple Databases on the same SQL Instance

I think your missing a comma after the password.

WITH PASSWORD=''fjfelejl'' ,

RE: Need to restore Multiple Databases on the same SQL Instance

This is the result of the dynameic sql

-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE superbill_2039_prod FROM DISK = '\\kprod-nas03\serverupdates\sqlrestore\FULL_DB009_superbill_2039_prod_20140321_112322_encr.sqb WITH PASSWORD='fjfelej!' ,SOURCE = 'superbill_2039_prod'
MAILTO = 'pam.ozer@kareo.com', RECOVERY,

I am still getting the same error
Syntax error: 'fjfelej!'' after '\\kprod-nas03\serverupdates\sqlrestore\FULL_DB009_superbill_2039_prod_20140321_112322_encr.sqb WITH PASSWORD='

--Syntax error: 'fjfelej!'' after '\\kprod-nas03\sqlbackups\FULL_DB009_superbill_2039_prod_20140321_112322_encr.sqb WITH PASSWORD='

RE: Need to restore Multiple Databases on the same SQL Instance

Looks like your command has two "WITH" statements


SET @sql = '-SQL "RESTORE DATABASE ' + @databasename + ' FROM DISK = ''\\kprod-nas03\sqlbackups\' + @sitename + ' WITH PASSWORD=''fjfelejl'' SOURCE = ''' + @DatabaseName + ''', MOVE DATAFILES TO ''D:\SQLData'' , MOVE LOGFILES TO ''D:\SQLLogs'' ,
MAILTO = ''pam.ozer@kareo.com'', RECOVERY,

RE: Need to restore Multiple Databases on the same SQL Instance

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