I have just been trialing SQL Backup Pro (after being advised HyperBac was being discontinued) and came across an error while trying to restore a table via Object Level Recovery:
I wasn't even doing anything tricky. Trying to restore a 5 row table from database A backup into database B. Disk/database free space not an issue. Tried with compressed+encrypted, compressed+no encryption, and no compression+no encryption backups. The table was in the dbo schema, so no issue with missing schema. The table is not using user-defined data types. It's about as simple as it gets.
SQL Server 2005 SP4 (9.0.5000)
.NET 2 (v2.0.50727)
Windows 2003 R2 SP2 Std Edition x86 on VMware
Ideas? More info required?
Code: |
Unhandled Exception System.IndexOutOfRangeException occured: Index was outside the bounds oF the array. at kk.a(Int32) at kl.a(jV,lc) at ku.GetDataStream() at ku.get_Data() at ks.b() at kP.a(String, IEnumerable`1 , IEnumerable`1) at kP.PopulateTable(dY name, lc pageProvider, kH schemaProvider, jE tracker) at hT.a(List`1) at hQ.PopulateAdditionalSystemTables(dY[] tables) at h.a(Int32) at W.l() at W.GetSqlCmd(Int32 view) at h.a(Int32) at K.b() at K.RedGate.ObjectLevelRecovery.Engine.CTB.ISCSimplePopulator.get_Sql() at G.<EnumObjects>d__0.MoveNext() at u.Read() at w.Read() atb.a(aM) at b.a(aM) at b.a(aM) at bC.a(aM) at bc<>c_DisplayClassf,<ObjectsTreeViewAfterSelect>b__c(Object param0) at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.WaitCallback_Context(Object state) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback(Object state) |
I wasn't even doing anything tricky. Trying to restore a 5 row table from database A backup into database B. Disk/database free space not an issue. Tried with compressed+encrypted, compressed+no encryption, and no compression+no encryption backups. The table was in the dbo schema, so no issue with missing schema. The table is not using user-defined data types. It's about as simple as it gets.
SQL Server 2005 SP4 (9.0.5000)
.NET 2 (v2.0.50727)
Windows 2003 R2 SP2 Std Edition x86 on VMware
Ideas? More info required?